Terms & Conditions

Public Liability Insurance

Your children whilst in our care are covered by the public liability insurance of Educating Kids Outdoors Ltd (EKO).

DBS checks and First Aid Qualifications

All EKO leaders are DBS certified and qualified Outdoor First Aiders

Behaviour Management

We expect all children to respect their leaders and their peers as well as the property of others.

We aim to manage behaviour using clear, consistent and positive strategies. The 3 EKO rules - looking after yourself, others and nature - are recapped at every session. We also use verbal reminders around safety throughout the session. In the event that a child repeatedly fails to comply with our rules the following actions will be taken:

  • Repeated failure to follow rules, leading to potentially endangering themselves, staff and other children will result in the child’s exclusion. The parent / carer will be contacted to come and collect their child from the Holiday Club as quickly as possible.
  • If staff view a child’s behaviour to be socially unacceptable and or abusive towards another child or adult then the parent / carer will be contacted to me and collect their child from the Holiday Club as quickly as possible.

No refunds will be made if a child is asked to leave the Holiday Club early due to poor behaviour.

Cancellation & Refunds

We rarely cancel sessions due to poor weather. In the case of an extreme weather event we would first endeavour to reschedule and then issue a full refund if this is not possible.

In the case of cancellation by the parent / carer due to a child's illness or a family's change of plans, the following will apply:

  • 14 days before the scheduled event, we would if possible offer an alternative date, or hold the payment on account to be used against another event. If this is not acceptable we would offer a full refund.
  • 13 - 7 days before the scheduled event, we would if possible offer an alternative date, or hold the payment on account to be used against another event. If this is not acceptable we would offer a 50% refund.
  • 6 days before - up to the day of the scheduled event, we would if possible offer an alternative date, or hold the payment on account to be used against another event. If this is not acceptable NO refund will be offered.


Please send your child in clothing that can get wet, muddy, and even occasionally covered in paint. We don’t want children to worry about parents being cross if their clothes get dirty!

  • Waterproof coats and trousers are ESSENTIAL. Whatever the weather we will stay outside for the majority of the session. We have plenty of spare kit, if you need anything, please contact us.
  • Wellingtons with warm socks or walking boots are best for most of the year. Trainers are only suitable during dry summers.
  • Clothing needs to be old, comfortable, warm and easy to move in.
  • Please pack additional warm layers as well as hats and gloves. Children love being outside but can get miserable when they are cold.

Food & Drink

Our aim is to encourage healthy eating in children, in line with current government guidelines. We request that children do not bring sweets or fizzy drinks to our Holiday Club. Healthy snacks and drinks will be made available during the session.

At sessions where we provide LUNCH for your child we will ensure that dietary requirements and any allergies are taken into account. Children will be encouraged to try new foods but options will be given

At sessions where parents / carers are required to provide a PACKED LUNCH we request that sweets and fizzy drinks are not included.

Children must bring a water bottle with them, which can be refilled during the day.

Mobile Phones & Electrical Gadgets

Our Holiday Clubs are a screen free zone and we would ask parents and carers to ensure that their child does not bring either a mobile phone or an electronic game to our clubs. If a child is found to have with them a mobile phone or an electronic game it will be removed by a staff member and returned at the end of the session.